Fear of Failure: 

Business Advice for the Small Business Entrepreneur

There I was standing in front of my Toastmaster’s group again…
There I was rubbing elbows with a possible new client again… silent.  
There I was making cold calls again … rejected.
There I was sitting in a meeting with a great idea again… over-thinking
There I was ____ (you fill in the blank)again… ______(you fill in the feeling)

Fear of Failure

Ever wonder why you don't act on the wonderful business advice you hear?  Fear of failure comes in many different packages and may have started in childhood. Some of the packages look just like the boy in 2nd grade who yelled at the top of his lungs as you entered the classroom, “Ewww Cooty Girl” and ran away laughing.  

Failure is the only opportunity to try againFailure, the opportunity to begin again

What about the big, mean daddy package? You know the one who was so unhappy with his own life that instead of encouraging his son he told him that he was stupid and “will never amount to nothing.”

Or the mommy package who utters those two little words, “you’re ugly,” that still shape the image you see when you look in the mirror everyday.   

These experiences fill us with fear and make us afraid of taking risks in our lives, often on a subconscious level. I believe we all have the power to turn these painful memories into ways of having fun in business by taking planned risk. 

Why do the hurtful words from so long ago still effect us today? Why do we allow our fear of failure to control us even to the point of stopping us from proceeding down our chosen road to success? And most importantly what exactly is fear of failure and how can we use fear as a catalyst to help us achieve our goals and dreams faster? 

Failure Leads to Success

I’ve witnessed how failure leads to success for many of my career coaching services’ clients.

I created FAILEnoughtoWin.com as a platform for exchanging business advice and sharing my research on fear of failure with you, the small business entrepreneur. 

As an entrepreneur coach I co-create with my clients a path to success game that is based on their individual goals, dreams and aspirations.

My clients learn how to FAIL Enough to Win on their own terms while finding the fun in every fail.  My goal is to show you, the small business entrepreneur, how failure leads to success.

We will do this in a way that allow you to become comfortable with failing by finding the fun in failure as you implement the business advice on this site and grow your small business.  

Career Coaching Services

As a coach and a trainer my approach to learning is two-fold. The coach in me will help you design an action based plan that will be your personal “path to success game” that is both fun and winnable. I’ll be here for you when you need me for as long as you need me, until your goals are reached and beyond. 

The trainer in me will provide practical business advice on how to implement evidenced-based strategies based on my extensive research around fear of failure and on how failure leads to success. We’ll go a step further and move from theory to practice. 

Yes the destination is success but you arrive there by failing, and most of the time by failing a lot. I’ll introduce new skills and tools.  You are encouraged to try each new skill in your own business and share your results, especially your failures, in the comment section on this site and on our Facebook page. (Coming soon)

If you are still uncomfortable with the idea of embracing failure as your catalyst on the road to success maybe this quote by Lloyd Jones will better explain the importance of Failing Enough to Win:   

“The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed.”