Executive Career Coaching

Success Business Coaching
Eliminate Fear of Success

Executive career coaching is usually one of the first programs cut during downsizing. Like other areas of deficits, the decision to eliminate a program does not eliminate its need.

Terms like career coaching services, life coach expert, and success business coaching are unfamiliar to most people. The coaching field is still in its infancy, especially when compared to some other, better known, industries.

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The field of executive career coaching was popularized in the 1990s. Before this time, senior executives “mentored or groomed” junior executives.

With downsizing, formal mentoring programs were eliminated, while the expectation and workload often increased.

Corporations soon began to see the need to groom their most valuable assets, their people.

Executive career coaching was implemented first for senior executives and managers with some kind of identified problem.

The field is becoming more and more popular, with many schools offering on-line business coach training.

Some companies hire outside business coaches to provide personalized, need-based coaching for identified staff, while other organizations pay for upper management to be trained as coaches.

Benefits of Success Business Coaching

Offering a structured methodology to managers and team leaders, such as The Coach-Approach to Management 12-step Coach Training Program, will help an organization:

  • Achieve corporate goals
  • Develop better communication with staff
  • Build more productive management teams
  • Increase staff morale
  • Improve staff performance
  • Increase employee retention.

The Industrial Era’s command-compliance way of leading is no longer useful in today’s connected society.

As recently as 1980, the sit-down, shut-up and follow the training manual way of working was still considered the best way of doing things.

We have learned that in today’s time that approach only works if the job is repetitive and requires little thinking.

Fear of Success

For example, the command-compliance, sit-down and shut-up way of leadership only works with people in positions that do things like count beads and drop them in a bag, cut carrots into 1-inch thick chunks or stitch a label onto a lapel.

These kinds of roles are repetitive and require workers to do things the exact same way every time. On the contrary, jobs that require any form of human interaction (i.e. case workers, teachers, sales clerk, etc.) require flexibility because each day’s encounter will be different.

These are the types of staff members that could benefit from executive career coaching.

Staff in human interaction roles must be allowed the opportunity to try different ways of solving problems as they are presented.

Managers must know how to coach staff in a way that not only allows, but expects, failures to occur. A manager’s own unrealistic pursuit of perfection will stifle his or her staff who’s trying to navigate Road Success.

What Should You Look For in an Executive Career Coaching Program?

Executive career coaching trains leaders on how to help their team members:

  1. Find the game in every activity
  2. Play the game better by helping them learn, practice and refine the skills of the game
  3. Help them WIN on their own terms
  4. Guide them with an effective, personalized game plan
  5. The ability to debrief the game to facilitate development and learning
  6. Celebrate successes in a way that expands awareness and
  7. Debrief losses in a way that promotes growth and restores team members’ desire to get back into the game
  8. Use a clear method for guiding them to the results they desire

Your players/team members trust you to lead them in a away that is reliable, consistent and grounded in experience. Our Coaching Training Program will provide you with the skills to do just that.