Hello & Welcome!

I'm TifNicole, Your Action Taking Mentor.  I teach black women entrepreneurs, with no time, lack of courage and limited support, how to build 6-figured businesses.  

This is done by helping you create a personalized action focused game plans specifically designed to get money in the bank, gain confidence and reduce stress so that growing your business will be fun and profitable. 

If I had to summarize the FAIL Enough to Win strategy in one sentence I would say that it is a program that will produce consistent improvements and predictable results that’s designed to skyrocket you to the top of your chosen industry. 

You will see a rapid increase in results.  The FAIL Enough to Win methodology incorporate several best practice systems from various theoretical backgrounds and structure them in a simple 4 stage process to produce maximum results with minimal time and effort. 

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about FailEnoughtoWin.com. I welcome your feedback.

If you notice any links that do not work or if any of my articles are unclear, you would be doing me a favor by pointing this out to me. I appreciate compliments and other positive feedback as well!  

Simply take a moment to fill out the brief form on this page below.

Your personal information, including your email address, is safe with  me. I will never share this information with any third party. I will use it only to reply to you.

Thank you for visiting my website. Here's to finding the fun in every fail. 

P.S. I love referrals. If you have friends or colleagues who need a consistent strategy to achieving multiple six figures in their business please share my site with them.

All the best, 

TifNicole - Your Action Taking Mentor 

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